We found ourselves in the ancient city of Bergen, deep within the Scandinavian lands of Norway, seeking the melodies of those who have long worshipped the most ancient and malevolent forces, finding an evil festival named Beyond the Gates.
Mysticism aside, Beyond the gates is a 4 day long festival which has run every year since the 2013, except you know.. Covid Year 2020 which was cancelled.
Beyond the gates festival is located in western coast of Norway in the city of Bergen, which is very known for some of his historic landmarks, Fjords and Fish Markets.

Fantoft Stave Church allegedly burned by Varg Vikernes

Bergen view from Mount Ulriken, one of the highest mountains around the City.
To the left: Fantoft Stave Church allegedly burned by Varg Vikernes
To the right: Bergen view from Mount Ulriken, one of the highest mountains around the City.
This year's edition counted with specifically three bands from the Netherlands, Bad Omen, Old Tower and Fír.

On the second day of festival during what they call the "Day Shift" Bad Omen Opened the day representing the Netherlands with their acclaimed "Ancient Evil Rock", People where into it, with close to being a full house, the venue Kulturhuset (House of culture in English) was feeling packed! And what a show they delivered.
With corpse paint, mullets, chainmail hoods and big sunglasses they went and blasted through their repertoire, which at this time consist of a few demos and a recent full length "Hell Returns" released recently! Quoting Fenriz: "Big Sunglasses very important, Big Sunglasses cool band." Rocking pieces like "Sexual Lich", "Devil's swindler" and "In Hell I belong" left the audience asking for more.

If you enjoy crazed evil rock, go give "Hell Returns" a listen. Thanks us later.
By the way, Bad Omen will be presenting their newly released album in Willemeen on October the 4th. They will be playing with Celtic Venom and Sons of Snakes, tickets are still available for this Back Alley Ritual! Definitely a show that must not be missed! Link:

Other bands that played through the day where Doom Bringer, Ritual Death, Cult of Fire, Portrait, Venom, Darkspace, Behemoth, Death SS, Akhlys and closing the day or should we say starting the next day, as they played at 01:40AM in the morning: Old Tower.
Old Tower may not be "Metal" however it genre has been really associated tightly to black metal and in my opinion an important part of it. Recently back in April, Japan did hold an incredible event "Nuclear War Now! / Hospital Fest" where Old Tower played alongside other big names in the metal scene such as Beherit, blasphemy and more. Old Tower's Specter delighted Bergen with the Mysticism and dark ambient landscapes and sounds.

On the closing and final day of this festival which promises a lot of great music; we could not ask for more; ~ Fír ~. Featuring *live* members of... Fír! (if you know you know!)
Fír is a relatively "new" band which was formed around 2022, releasing a few demos, an EP and a split. Lastly this year 2024 "De Stilte van God" saw the light being a full length, presenting a lot of feeling and raw essence of black metal. Definitely has become one of my favorite black metal bands from the Netherlands. Their live shows are raw and powerful.
Fír is a relatively "new" band which was formed around 2022, releasing a few demos, an EP and a split. Lastly this year 2024 "De Stilte van God" saw the light being a full length, presenting a lot of feeling and raw essence of black metal. Definitely has become one of my favorite black metal bands from the Netherlands. Their live shows are raw and powerful.
Pure Raw black metal. You can feel it influences of old darkthrone for example. Fír is a total Gem of the Netherlands. Keep an eye out for them.

These where the bands representing Netherlands in this year edition of Beyond The Gates Festival, big guns showing up to the festival and definitely showing off the skills and the passion for this music that the country has and everyday we see more and more talent growing.
Thanks to Beyond the Gates festival and Metal from NL for having us, another photo report and festival pictures may follow in the next few days at Abyssalvoid.nl site.
Photo report by Rodhnny for Metal From NL.